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My Life / Re: My LRN life the SeekLoad Administrators life
« Last post by SeekLoad on April 14, 2019, 02:57:10 pm »
This is how I was born homeless and I find IDIOTS who tell me  "if you work hard you will... you are to blame for your life" freaking IDIOTS.

After the earthquake of 1977 (before I was born) in Bucharest (Romania).
Before the earthquake of 1977 in Bucharest (Romania) my parents had a big very huge house there with 7 rooms. It that time only rich people had that.
But in the earthquake of 1977 it fell to the ground.

Since the house was in the good area were rich people use to have houses and my parents were working class.
The rich and powerful back in that time made corruption so that ALL who had houses there and were not rich would never get their soil back with a new house build by the system who rebuild the houses that fell in the earthquake of 1977.

So my parents became homeless living on the rent of the black market back then as it was illegal black then to rent.

That is how and why my parents started to criticize the corruption back then in the communist time that later lead to the exiled of my family.

Because we did not say "down with the communist" as others did, there was no legal motive to shoot and kill my parents, so they exiled us instead.
Because my parents only said "clean the communist of the corrupt that are destroying communism working class rights".

If society was righteous today I would have had a 7 room big house with a couple of freaking cars outside and jewelry worth 50000 euros.
I would not be rich as in "rich with power", but I would have bin wealthy enough to not complain of life as I do and not have this PERSONAL hate I have against the elite as I now have.

But  society is not righteous, so I am poor and struggling.

Because we are not poor because of not acting or not doing enough to make more, as so many IDIOTS judges me and my family ass. But we are poor cause of legal and illegal sabotage of others who are cor.rupt and in power.

Now you know were my hate against the elite comes from and why I way I say that I have bin fighting against them all my life since I was born.
THEAD / Re: The Awakened Sweden-De Väckta Sverige/by:SeekLoad
« Last post by SeekLoad on December 30, 2018, 09:08:32 pm »
THE TRUTH of the Terrorist attack in Sweden 07-04-2017
The terrorist attack in Sweden is for sure a "false slag attack" and I can prove it.

The police says that they found a suitcase with a bomb or some sort of explosives in the truck that ram over people in central Stockholm yesterday 07-04-2017. And explosive device that did NOT detonate and explode. This is the excuse the police gave the journalist to why the police did not let the journalists come near the truck and take pictures or videos.
But according the the trucks driver the man who stole his truck and did the terrorist attack was empty handed and according to video surveillance he did not stop the truck until he rammed in the Ĺlens shopping center. So how the hell did that suitcase with so called explosives end up in the truck?
Also right before the crash in Ĺlens the truck had something that exploded a bit, yet the police says NOTHING about this on the new, nor does the journalists speak about it.

Police trying to stop journalists from taking pictures of the truck:

Look the car exploding a bit:

Yet the police says they found the bomb intact and it did not explode, with is true the truck did not explode sow hat did explode then in that explosion? Because as proof shows something did explode and it was not the truck.

This picture shows how the truck looked like after it crashed.

And now they tell us that the terrorist ran out and was ought and that we should believe that this guy was the terrorist.

But as you can see in one picture he is going up the stairs and in the other picture he is going down the stairs. The metro in Stockholm is underground so when he is going up he is exiting the metro, and when he is going down he is entering the metro. In NONE of those pictures he looks in any way or form injured or dirty.
Now you tell me, how the hell did he crash the truck in the building at a speed of 90kl an hour and totally destroyed the front of the truck, and he got out without a scratch and without even being dirty from it? From a truck that by the way had caught fire and was a bit black with smoke.

Also lets talk of the fact hat he had terrorist attack pictures on his computer at home. So what? According to the online posts he mad he was researching false flag attacks. And he just happened to be in the wrong place at the WRONG time at Ĺlens when this terrorist attack happened in Sweden. In other words the Swedish police arrested a Conspiracy Theorist or a Anonymous for he was so easy to blame by the police.

What bothers me is that now a INNOCENT man will get jail and blamed for a terrorist attack he did not commit. Just so that the police can seem as if they were heroes, that they found the terrorist the same day. If you ask me I think the terrorist died in the crash, that is why the police did not let any journalists to take close up pictures or videos of the truck after the crash. The pictures taken were taken long after the police did the clean up. Because of course the police did the clean up of the dead terrorist drivers body as well, so that their story that, that guy is the terrorist would be considered true.

Now why has the Swedish elite done this false flag attack?
First the police has now after only 24 hours made a new law that police officers are allowed to wear and use there work guns after work in private life. Just in 2016 alone in Sweden there was more police shootings against people then what was in Chicago US in a year.
This leads to that the people living in the ghettos in Sweden is against that the police should have more legal rights to shoot people at will without any punishment.
So they made the "false flag attack" to make the people agree to the law tat gives the rights for the police to shoot people even if the police officer is off duty.
Because when a police officer shoots somebody they never get accused and the case always get covered up.

The Swedish elite made this false flag terrorist attack and sacrificed innocent lives the same way USA made with 911. Just so that Sweden can pass some laws that will restrict the freedom of the ordinary citizen.

Look at FACTS. When the terrorist attack happened there was an army of police that came to the government to defend the Swedish government. They took police core from all over Stockholm for it leaving the rest of Stockholm empty and vulnerable to crime and criminals. They closed all local traffic, trains, air plains, buses and meteors and even taxi from driving in Stockholm. Forcing the people to walk home. But think of them who needs to travel far to get home!
Those people were advised to seek to live in apartments of willing people in Stockholm. Now tell me if a rapist or a **** wants a victim, is this not the PERFECT opportunity for it? If somebody of the elite in society wants somebody gone to disappear is this not the perfect opportunity for it? If the criminal knows you can not come home because you have no transport, and that there is no police near by because they are all busy protecting the elite, is this not the perfect opportunity for him to rob your house?
Of course it is the perfect opportunity for criminals to act.

The police telling people what roads to take and what roads not to take:
Tell me does this scenario not help a terrorist to kill more people if there was second terrorist attack? Well it does help the terrorist. But the police knew ether would be no second terrorist attack, because it was a "false flag attack". That is why they do not care that they put the people in danger for a second terrorist attack by having people walk in a masses together.
This proves that the Swedish police does not give a rats ass **** about their citizens. Yet their citizens short and blind sited zombie sheep to the system and the elite in power. The Swedish people trusts the system with their lives and they attack, hate and harass people like me and other because we say this sort of stuff. But there is still hope, because there are people who see this too and who start talking and now that this happened I hope more people will start opening their eyes wile at the same time I am sure some will slumber deeper in their sleep to believe the elites bullshˇt and fake news in the media.

Also think a bit. The police in Stockholm arrested at least 4 people after the same day the terrorist attack.

NONE of those arrests were ever confirmed by the police to the news. The police denies all those arrests that were made of innocent people who dared to define the police and ask why they are getting treated that way. We today still do not know what happened to the people the police arrested and denies that they did arrest.
For trying to post this the FaceBook user "Liviu Rafael Nichiforiuc" ( was bloccked for 7 days from posting on FaceBook. Please support "Liviu Rafael Nichiforiuc" to get his facebook back as fast as possible and to continue exposing the truth and do not let the ass holes shut him up.
FaceBook and SÄPĹ (Swedish secret police) is trying o SILENCE the truth and the people who dare to use their brains.

Wielu Klientów trafiło do nas, po ciężkiej przeprawie z innymi biurami realizacji wnętrz. Nie dosyć, że przepłacali to czekali dwa razy dłużej, to na zakończenie dostawali ograniczoną liczbę poprawek. Byli niezadowoleni, ponieważ nie mogli już nic zmienić w projekcie, za który zapłacili. W naszym centrum realizacji wnętrz liczba korekt jest bez ograniczeń. Projektujemy do momentu Państwa pełnego zaspokojenia, satysfakcji oraz poczucia idealnie zaprojektowanego wnętrza. Choćby miałoby to być 19 ujęć kolorystycznych jednego pomieszczenia. Tygodniowo wyceniamy 61 zapytań, dzięki temu uważamy się dla Państwa szczególni oraz potrzebni!

Zobacz też's-office/centrum-aran380acji-wn281trz-pod-klucz-ma-w-ofercie-remonty-wroc322aw-nasze-osta

Zachęcamy do odwiedzenia naszej witryny internetowej, gdzie znajdą Państwo namiary telefoniczne i adresowe oraz mają Państwo możliwość pooglądania galerii przeprowadzanych przez nas odnów. Jak najbardziej udzielamy gwarancji na odnowione części zawieszenia. W przypadku marki Citroen i Peugeot jest to 36 miesięcy a 24 miesiące na części aut Renault i Ford Courier. Czas trwania usługi waha się od 5 do 42.

Zobacz też

Nie mają Państwo  przeszkód, by razem z nami zaprojektować swoje zagragnione meble, jeśli nic z naszej oferty nie przypadnie Wam do gustu. Projektując wnętrze mieszkania lub biuro korzystamy głównie z Państwa propozycji a później – ewentualnie zasugerujemy i zaproponujemy rozwiązanie w zakresie naszych umiejętności.  Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z naszą stroną internetowej, gdzie można obejrzeć nasze projekty oraz do skontaktowania się z nami bezpośrednio – nie ma dla nas projektów niemożliwych. Na naszej stronie www jest na bieżącomniej więcej 57 użytkowników, natomiast wycen wykonujemy około 9 okresowo.

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Domy – Kubas zajmuje się stawianiem domów drewnianych. Domy – Kubas cechuje najwyższy poziom świadczonych usług oraz atrakcyjnych cen. Budownictwo drewniane to nasza pasja, nierzadko przejmowana z dziada pradziada. Zachęcamy do zaznajomienia się z naszymi możliwościami, przeglądnięcia galerii i skorzystania z usług profesjonalistów. Domy drewniane z bali wykorzystują około 29% mniej energii na ocieplanie zaręczając naturalną klimatyzację przy balach o grubości 9.

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General Discussion / Alu-art - konstrukcje aluminiowe Łódź
« Last post by kita27 on September 13, 2017, 02:59:14 pm »

Przedsiębiorstwo ALU – ART zachęca do obejrzenia bogatej oferty stolarki aluminiowej, którą oferujemy już od kilkunastu lat, podbijając serca coraz bardziej powiększającej się grupy zadowolonych Zleceniodawców. Dostosowany asortyment do potrzeb każdego Klienta indywidualnie, spełniamy marzenia naszych Klientów z należytą sumiennością, by sprostać najbardziej wymagającym Klientom, który może wybrać nie tylko kształt i rozmiar, ale również kolor produktu. W trosce o klienta produkujemy okna o niestandardowych rozmiarach np. 118 x 257.

Przeczytaj więcej
General Discussion / Pożyczki w Katowicach od 241zł
« Last post by kita27 on September 11, 2017, 11:56:44 am »
Atrakcyjne chwilówki w Katowicach wyłącznie na portalu: zapraszamy do zainteresowania się z internetowymi pożyczkami dla wyjątkowych.
W ofercie darmowe chwilówki ! Weź chwilówki od 241zł do 1751zł
My Life / How we became targeted and so poor in 2012 that we have no home
« Last post by SeekLoad on June 13, 2017, 03:30:49 pm »
Here are more links of how it happened:

In short because last time it was not all at once I will now here write the story of how we and why we got targeted and what happened, how we became with nothing.
Sadly I can not make it too short.

How it all began:
In 1977 it was a big earthquake in Bucharest were 80% to 90% of all buildings in Bucharest collapsed. My parents back then were in love dating each other in the park when the earthquake struck. There house fell but they survived unharmed because they were in the park when it happened.
Many people died that day.

Anyway the communist system political policy back then was that all who had a job and had  a house in the capital will get a house or an apartment back. My parents got nothing.
That is how my father started to be against the system, although originally he was a member of the communist party. My parents started to criticize the communist system of that they promised one thing, but did not deliver what they promised because of the corruption within the Romanian communist system of that time.
That was how my parents started to get politically implicated and against the corruption that was back then. The more my parents were criticizing the corruption of that time the deeper they found more and more wrongs in the system, and with time they started to make anti government friends back then who the communist system saw as a threat. In 15 November 1987 there was a big protest in Brasov in Romania and my father had friends in that protest, my father went to Brasov protest, but got away and was not arrested that day as many were. The next day my father protested in Bucharest (the capital) in 16 November 1987.

My father managed to find out on what street and what hour the president Ceausescu will pass with his car so in 16 November 1987 my father protested with a protest banner on that street throwing the banner across the street right when Ceausescu car with Ceausescu and the president of Etiopia "Mengistu Haile Mariam" in it was passing the street making the car go under the protest banner my father had made.

President of Etiopia "Mengistu Haile Mariam" on the left and president of Romania "Nicolae Ceausescu" on the right in 1987

That is how Ceausescu saw everything and he got ashamed that "Mengistu Haile Mariam" saw it too. And this probably saved my fathers life, because Ceausescu decided to give my father a short audience and talk to my father of why he protested. Ceausescu found out that my father did not protest against the communist, but that my father protested against the corruption in the communist system of Romania back then. Something that Ceausescu personally agreed on and thought that my father was right about.
Sadly as Ceausescu put it "you have 2 choices either to go into exile or to go to jail, not because you are not right, but because if you do not get punished for your actions then the anti-communist movement will use the same tactics against me in the future, because even though you did not protest as an anti-communist, your protest will be judged as it and seen as it too by them who are corrupt and are in power lower then me" said Ceausescu.
Ceausescu also said "however if you accept to go into exile I can give orders to keep you and your family under protection till you move out of Romania, after that I have no more political power".

You see Ceausescu was maybe a dictator, he was not alone in charge, there was much done without his orders and most often the cruelty of communism was done without his orders. Although all that he (Ceausescu) and his wife got all the blame in December 1989 when they got executed. No wonder they got executed because those who gave the orders to execute them were the same people who made the corruption back when Ceausescu was in power and also made the corruption after the system changed and today there children are in power still doing corruption in Romania, just now with the difference of doing it under a democratic system instead.

And that was the political implication and the protest that lead to the forced exiled situation my family got in 1987. In 1987 we got forced exiled by Securitate (Romanian communist secret police back then) to communist Germany empty handed, without the right to have money on us. Likely my father was prepared and he had hidden US dollars in his shoes. The Securitate plan was to help the corrupt **** by forcing us in an exile to a country that would send us back to Romania so that my parents would get the Gulag prison and I would have bin send to an orphanage. As you may know the orphanages back then in Romania were horrible. If you do not know I will explain what a Gulag was. A Gulag was a prison were political inmates and serial killers were put in the same place. The goal was to torture the political inmates to death through extreme work and very poor hygiene and constantly being brutally beaten. Prisoners in Gulags were chained hands, feet and neck 24 ou 7 and maybe saw light only when sent to work.

Happily my father had hidden money in his shoes and with that money we went from communist Germany, form Berlin towards Norway were we had a visa, but you cannot go to Norway using land and water travel without passing through Sweden.
And since the law said “the first capitalist country you put your foot on you should search visa” and additional my father had a brother in Sweden we searched visa in Sweden. His brother was very angry and negative at us that for coming to Sweden and mentioning his name. He “as a traitor” wanted to have nothing to do with my father who was his brother.
That is how we ended up in Sweden.

SADLY some of the files of this happening was and still is kept a secret behind locked doors by Securitate and it is still kept secret by the Romanian secret police today till year 2100 when we will all be dead and long gone in the grave.

Some old Securitate files are still kept secret today although some have bin made public.

The Securitat was also known as the "Political Police" in the communist Romanian time.

"Why" and "How" we are targeted:
When we got exiled in 1987 and we came to Sweden the Swedish ambassador in Romania told Sweden to NOT give us a visa in Sweden. Of course that the Swedish authorities listened to him. The Swedish ambassador in Romania back then was the cousin of the Swedish king.

The Swedish ambassador in Romania since 1982 “Per Bertil Kollberg” was fired from Romania in 1987 because of refusing my father visa. “Per Bertil Kollberg” was not only the Swedish ambassador in Romania but also a distant cousin of the Swedish king and he was also a high ranked Masonic member for the Masons secret society. That was something we did not know back then. Back then we did not even know that there were such thing as secret societies, even less to know who is a member and what power and influence they have. We did not even know that the Swedish ambassador in Romania was the Swedish kings cousin.
That is why in 1987 “Sven Gustaf Linder” (Also a cousin of the Swedish Royal family) was put as the Swedish ambassador in Romania till 1989 when the revolution happened and the system in Romania changed.

The Swedish ambassador in Romania got fired as an ambassador and sent back to Sweden  by the presidents Ceausescus order. The ambassador was fired because he advised Sweden and gave orders not to give us a visa in Sweden.
From this point on Sweden made a plan to use us, and that was if we refuse to work with them and sell our souls for their cause, then to target us and try to destroy us.
As you understand we refused to play their game and we did get targeted and black listed, but they did not manage to destroy us.

Since 1987 I bin living in Sweden and because my parents were politically exiled in 1987, but when the communist dictator system fell in December 1989 Sweden wanted to use my parents as tools to politically attack Romania and the Christianity in it. This was they wanted also as revenge for what we done before.
After the communist fell in Romania Sweden thought to use us against Romania and the Christianity in it because the Swedish royal family has a 500 years old grudge on Romania and my parents, for them in power “some slaves” hurt their honor. This grudge the royal family of Sweden has against Romania goes back to the dark ages when Romania refused to help Sweden military. And since we a simple working class “slave” family disturbed there nerves by making their love ones get fired from their job and lose their pride as ambassador as that person was they thought "we need to do as they ask and want to pay for our actions or we pay with our existence".

So they made a plan of how to use my parents against Romania and the Christianity in it. My parents refused saying quote "We have nothing against our country, religion or culture, what we were against were the leaders and they have fallen now with the system so there for we will not and we refuse to politically attack our country Romania and benefit Sweden on it".
And as a working class “replaceable worthless slave” as they in power see ordinary people, we are not allowed to refuse their offer.

This lead to that we became and we still are today targeted and we are the ONLY family that lived in Scandinavia with and still having the Romanian citizen ship after over 30 years of forced exile.
No other family in not only in Sweden, but in the entire Scandinavia Denmark, Norway, Finland and Island including is not like us with a Romanian passport after over 30 years of forced exile and to refuse their political game.

After refusing to politically help Sweden on their agenda, because of that through out the over 30 years in Sweden we got targeted.

After refusing to politically help Sweden on their agenda, because of that throughout the years of over 30 years in Sweden we were targeted, harassed and black listed.

Our case has gone so far up that it has even reached the Swedish king and the prime minister throughout the years.

The first proof that Sweden was after revenge using my family:
Since 1987 I was bullied in school and beaten by bullies who were put to do it by the teachers with fake accusations. Teachers in school told the lie to school children that I was gay. This was done because the social workers wanted to accuse my parents for beating me up, something my parents never did.
Why? To force my parents to kiss ass in Sweden as political puppets. But Sweden failed and this made Sweden hate my family. Why was this will from Sweden and there must be somebody with a high power doing this right? Yes it was, the Swedish ambassador of Romania in 1987 was the Swedish kings cousin. So the guys who has black listed my family in Sweden is the kings cousin. So this goes right up to the royal family of Sweden.

My parents had a job till 1993 but after that they were black listed on the job market:
If we exclude the bulling and that I moved to several schools just to be able to finish school and I finished it to all our enemies envy till 1993 my parents had a job in Sweden, since the Swedish system understood that they will not help Sweden to politically attack Romania, Sweden in 1993 fired my parents from work and kept them black listed on the job market since and only living on social well fair money.

Since I finished high school I was black listed on the job market in Sweden. I went out of University in 2012 but I was still black listed on the job market. i worked for FREE for 4 years to just get a work history so maybe I get a job. But I did not even get a job interview since 2002 of searching jobs in Sweden.
And yet I still find IDIOTS online who tell me "go to work lazy ass" when I ask for help, but none of those idiots will work for free one day if I ask them, never the less for 4 years as I did. Yet I am to blame with the idiotic blame of "not wanting to work" just because after 4 years of working for free I said "STOP I will not work for free anymore if I get no payed job".

We had made a huge amount of money and we put it aside, but what happened?

My ex wife was implicated as a spy:

Since we came to Sweden we put money and gold aside for dark days. Most of the time (99% of the time) we bought gold with that money to have more value of it in the future. Since 1987 till 2012 we made 50000 euros worth of gold jewelry.In 2008 we thought it was going okay, we will be able to use that gold to make a future in Romania and get rid of the black list target we were in Sweden.  In 2008 I met a girl who I married in 2009 and who I had a child with in 2010. My daughter got born 2010. But my ex-wife (back then my wife) had an agenda of her own. She was the only outside the family member who knew about the gold and were it was. The only people who knew of it was me, my parents and my wife was shown by my father that we had it after she married me in 2009.

 In 2010 so to have my daughter secure not taken by the social services in Sweden I sent my wife to give birth to Romania. That is how my daughter is today a Romanian citizen and not a Swedish citizen. In 2011 my daughter had to take a vaccine and Sweden wanted to handicap her by giving her a double dose, to witch of course I refused. So in 2011 I sent my wife to Romania to do it to our daughter. Thus act done in 2011 made my wife find contacts in 2011 to  help the elite into robbing me and my family of the 50000 euros worth of gold that we had put aside. And since she knew exactly were it was, it was easy for her to give the information to the criminal robbers.

In 2010 so to have my daughter secure not taken by the social services in Sweden I sent my wife to give birth to Romania. That is how my daughter is today a Romanian citizen and not a Swedish citizen. In 2011 my daughter had to take a vaccine and Sweden wanted to handicap her by giving her a double dose, to which of course I refused. So in 2011 I sent my wife to Romania to do it to our daughter. Thus act done in 2011 made my wife find contacts in 2011 to help the elite into robbing me and my family of the 50000 euros worth of gold that we had put aside. And since she knew exactly where it was, it was easy for her to give the information to the criminal robbers.

I noticed something was wrong cause after she came back in 2011, but I thought she might just be a bit cold on me because I sent her alone to do the vaccine to our daughter. So she will get over it with time.
I was wrong; I did not know that she had planned to rob me and my family. In 2012 the last child vaccine was to be given to my daughter. Again in 2012 Sweden wanted to give my daughter a double douse to hurt my child and indirect hurt me and my parents, so sent my wife this time with my father to Romania to make the vaccine needed to my daughter. When my wife and father arrived in Romania we found out that we had bin robbed of the 50000 euros worth of gold that we had.

The gold was in an old house that belongs to my father’s sister. The robbery was done in 2011, but it got registered as 2012 because it was in 2012 when the police report was made. Meaning that the house who had iron bars stood open for a few months till my father came and saw that it got robbed.

Here is a video done by me about the robbery.

The video of the robbery that I made for YouTube and all was hacked and deleted by them who probably paid the robbers. And when I said this to YouTube, YouTube instead of investigating what happened, they permanently blocked me from ever again having a YouTube channel.
In other words I am not allowed to tell the world that the system paid criminals to rob me and even worse that I was able to prove it.
This is where the video used to be:

The robber name was “Văcărean Andrei” (acording from the court 2012) and he never got cought or convicted for his actions. To the contrary the most recent was that the court of Romania after refusing for years to catch him told my parents that “i]they now consider that too much time has passed so they consider that the criminal is rehabilitated by that too much time passed since the robber[/i]” time they from the system made pass and refused to act.

Now you may wonder why did we keep that gold in that old house?
The motivation is simple. In Sweden we lived on social financial help since 1993 because we were targeted. There for we could not legally keep anything in the bank without having the social services bereaving down our necks.
So we had to hide the gold in a safe place where nobody would be looking and were nobody would know. Since 1995 when we started putting bit, by bit gold jewelry in that house NOBODY robbed it, because nobody knew what was in it.

How I know my ex-wife was involved in the robbery together with the enemies we have in power:

- First it was only me and my parents and my ex-wife (back then my wife) who knew were the gold was and that there was any gold.

- Second is that my ex-wife after the robbery she defended the robbers to the police by saying quote "I never saw any gold, my father in law is laying" who is a lie because I know she saw the gold, because I was there as an aye witness when she was shown the gold and were it was by my father. Luckily my father had a resets and pictures of all gold jewelry we had so that was shown as evidence in court that it was in deed gold that was stolen.

- Third the robbers knew EXACTLY where the gold and money was. We had 3 steal made vaults. The steel made vaults were incorporated in a fake made fire place that looked like a real rife place. The fire place and 1 steel made vault (the strong one) were made by my father who is a professional building engineer and a welder engineer. The robbers forced opened the two steel made vaults (one was the big vault my father made), one with money and the other with gold jewelry, but the robbers never forced opened the third vault that had only papers and documents inside.

So how could the robbers know EXACTLY were the gold jewelry and money was and not wonder what was in the third steel vault? Unless somebody told them!

- Fourth is that at the police she did not only ignore that we had gold jewelry, she also said to the police officer that there was no money either. Money that she knew VERY well about that it was.

That is my evidence that my ex-wife was implicated in the robbery. The robbery that made me now have NOTHING and in need of help. The robbery that made me and my daughters’ future unstable.  And as that was not enough my ex-wife also tried to adopt the child without my permission, so that is how I ended up having the legal right of custody even though normally the fathers are not given the custody.

Since the separation in 2013 my wife has not given our daughter not even a "happy birthday card" and since January 2015 I am divorced with legal papers and custody of the child. She has NEVER given at least a "happy birthday card" to the child since 2013.

NOW you know the FULL story in a more detail. Of course not all details because that would be a book.

Because of the targeting and black list I have NO trust in the system and I am EXTRA careful.
Because of the targeting and black list I learned how the system works and it made me do research that lead me to learn about secret societies and it also made me in 2004 join freedom fighting and in 2010 become an Anonymous ally on FaceBook and other places online.

Facebook account whom I had since 2010 since 2017 saw that I was starting to grow EXREMELY big and EXTRELY fast exposing the system and gathering people against them, they saw me as a threat and blocked me for 1 year and since 2018 is spying on me stopping anything I post that the system does not want people to know.
I guess they fear me now.

Also since 2019 TickTok blocked 10 account I had too for the reason that Iam exposin truths of all over the world.

Here is the link were I ask online for help to have a home in Romania:
My Life / The government men put to harass us
« Last post by SeekLoad on June 11, 2017, 05:25:09 pm »
Our protests through out the years against the government harassment we had in Sweden
Problems we had with people payed by the government to harass us because of that we were black listed in Sweden by the Swedish authorities.
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