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Author Topic: Remember  (Read 498 times)

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    The Expert at 9 years of Awakened to reality Great your now at the 8 years of Awakened to reality 7 years of Awakened to reality
« on: February 06, 2014, 08:15:03 pm »
Remember is a place you post things you do not want to get forgotten.

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    The Expert at 9 years of Awakened to reality Great your now at the 8 years of Awakened to reality 7 years of Awakened to reality
Re: Remember
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2014, 08:16:25 pm »
Remember this since you need not to forget it

The who thinks that religion is about obedience to human earthly leaders you better listen to this that Jesus said. And if you not think so it is good to not forget it anyway.

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Matthew 5:3-12 - (KJV)
- 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
- 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
- 5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
- 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
- 7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
- 8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
- 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
- 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
- 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
- 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

Matthew 5:3-12 - (Clementine_Vulgate)
- III, Beati pauperes spiritu, quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum.
- IV, beati qui lugent quoniam ipsi consolabuntur.
- V, beati qui lugent, quoniam ipsi possidebunt terram.
- VI, beati qui esuriunt et sitiunt iustitiam, quoniam ipsi saturabuntur.
- VII Beati misericordes, quoniam ipsi misericordiam consequentur.
- VIII, beati mundo corde, quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt.
- IX, Beati pacifici, quoniam ipsi filii Dei vocabuntur.
- X, Beati qui persecutionem patiuntur propter justitiam: quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum.
- XI beati estis cum maledixerint vobis et persecuti vos fuerint et dixerint omne malum adversum vos mentientes, propter me.
- XII gaudete et exultate quoniam merces vestra copiosa est in caelis sic enim persecuti sunt prophetas, qui fuerunt ante vos.

Matei 5:3-12 - (RJV)
- 3 Fericiţi cei săraci cu duhul, că a lor este împărăţia cerurilor.
- 4 Fericiţi cei ce plâng, că aceia se vor mângâia.
- 5 Fericiţi cei blânzi, că aceia vor moşteni pământul.
- 6 Fericiţi cei ce flămânzesc şi însetează de dreptate, că aceia se vor sătura.
- 7 Fericiţi cei milostivi, că aceia se vor milui.
- 8 Fericiţi cei curaţi cu inima, că aceia vor vedea pe Dumnezeu.
- 9 Fericiţi făcătorii de pace, că aceia fiii lui Dumnezeu se vor chema.
- 10 Fericiţi cei prigoniţi pentru dreptate, că a lor este împărăţia cerurilor.
- 11 Fericiţi veţi fi voi când vă vor ocărî şi vă vor prigoni şi vor zice tot cuvântul rău împotriva voastră, minţind din pricina Mea.
- 12 Bucuraţi-vă şi vă veseliţi, că plata voastră multă este în ceruri, că aşa au prigonit pe proorocii cei dinainte de voi.

Matthieu 5:3-12 - (LSG)
- 3 Heureux les pauvres en esprit: pour eux est le royaume des cieux.
- 4 Heureux ceux qui pleurent: ils seront consolés.
- 5 Heureux les débonnaires, car ils hériteront la terre.
- 6 Heureux ceux qui ont faim et soif de justice, car ils seront rassasiés.
- 7 Heureux les miséricordieux, car ils obtiendront miséricorde.
- 8 Heureux les cœurs purs, car ils verront Dieu.
- 9 Heureux les artisans de paix: ils seront appelés les enfants de Dieu.
- 10 Heureux ceux qui sont persécutés pour la justice: pour eux est le royaume des cieux.
- 11 Heureux serez-vous, lorsqu'on vous insultera, qu'on vous persécutera, et qu'on dira toute sorte de mal contre vous à tort, à cause de moi.
- 12 Réjouissez-vous, et soyez dans l'allégresse, car votre récompense est grande dans le ciel: car c'est ainsi qu'on a persécuté les prophètes qui ont été avant vous.

Mateo 5:3-12 - (RV)
- 3 Bienaventurados los pobres en espíritu, porque de ellos es el reino de los cielos.
- 4 Bienaventurados los que lloran, porque ellos serán consolados.
- 5 Bienaventurados los mansos, porque ellos recibirán la tierra por heredad.
- 6 Bienaventurados los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia, porque ellos serán saciados.
- 7 Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcanzarán misericordia.
- 8 Bienaventurados los de limpio corazón, porque ellos verán a Dios.
- 9 Bienaventurados los pacificadores, porque ellos serán llamados hijos de Dios.
- 10 Bienaventurados los que padecen persecución por causa de la justicia, porque de ellos es el reino de los cielos.
- 11 Bienaventurados seréis cuando los hombres os vituperen y os persigan, y digan toda clase de mal contra vosotros por mi causa.
- 12 Alegraos, y se alegró de vuestro galardón es grande en los cielos: que así persiguieron a los profetas que fueron antes de vosotros.

Matteo 5,3-12 - (LND)
- 3 Beati i poveri in spirito, perché di loro è il regno dei cieli.
- 4 Beati quelli che fanno cordoglio, perché saranno consolati.
- 5 Beati i miti, perché erediteranno la terra.
- 6 Beati quelli che hanno fame e sete della giustizia, perché saranno saziati.
- 7 Beati i misericordiosi, perché troveranno misericordia.
- 8 Beati i puri di cuore, perché vedranno Dio..
- 9 Beati gli operatori di pace perché saranno chiamati figli di Dio.
- 10 Beati quelli che sono perseguitati per causa della giustizia ': perché di essi è il regno dei cieli.
- 11 Beati voi, quando vi insulteranno e vi perseguiteranno e diranno ogni sorta di male contro di voi per causa, per causa mia.
- 12 Rallegratevi, e si rallegrò: perché grande è la vostra ricompensa nei cieli: poiché così hanno perseguitato i profeti che furono prima di voi.

Мэтью 5:3-12 - (УПО)
- 3 Блаженны нищие духом, ибо их есть Царство Небесное.
- 4 Блаженны плачущие, ибо они утешатся.
- 5 Блаженны кроткие, ибо они наследуют землю.
- 6 Блаженны алчущие и жаждущие правды, ибо они насытятся.
- 7 Блаженны милостивые, ибо они помилованы будут.
- 8 Блаженны чистые сердцем, ибо они Бога узрят.
- 9 Блаженны миротворцы, ибо они будут наречены сынами Божиими.
- 10 Блаженны изгнанные за правду, ибо их есть Царство Небесное.
- 11 Блаженны вы, когда будут поносить вас и гнать и вас, и будут всячески зла против вас ложно, ради меня.
- 12 Радуйтесь и быть очень обрадовался, ибо велика ваша награда на небесах: так гнали и пророков, бывших прежде вас.

Matthäus 5,3-12 - (KJV)
- 3 Selig sind die Armen im Geiste, denn ihrer ist das Himmelreich.
- 4 Selig sind, die da Leid tragen, denn sie sollen getröstet werden.
- 5 Selig sind die Sanftmütigen, denn sie werden das Land erben.
- 6 Selig sind, die hungern und dürsten nach der Gerechtigkeit, denn sie sollen satt werden.
- 7 Selig sind die Barmherzigen, denn sie werden Barmherzigkeit erlangen.
- 8 Selig sind, die reinen Herzens sind, denn sie werden Gott schauen.
- 9 Selig sind die Friedfertigen, denn sie werden Kinder Gottes genannt werden.
- 10 Selig sind, die um der Gerechtigkeit willen verfolgt werden, denn ihrer ist das Himmelreich.
- 11 Selig seid ihr, wenn sie euch schmähen und verfolgen und euch und wird fälschlicherweise reden allerlei Übles gegen euch, mir zuliebe.
- 12 Seid fröhlich und getrost; euer Lohn ist groß im Himmel: so haben sie verfolgt die Propheten, die vor euch waren.

Matteus 5:3-12 - (KJV)
- 3 Saliga är de fattiga i anden, ty dem hör himmelriket.
- 4 Saliga är de som sörjer, de skall bli tröstade.
- 5 Saliga äro de saktmodiga, ty de skola besitta jorden.
- 6 Saliga äro de som hungra och törsta efter rättfärdighet, ty de skola bliva mättade.
- 7 Saliga är de barmhärtiga, de skall få barmhärtighet.
- 8 Saliga är de renhjärtade, de skall se Gud.
- 9 Saliga de som håller fred, de skall kallas Guds barn.
- 10 Saliga äro de som lida förföljelse för rättfärdighets skull, ty dem hör himmelriket.
- 11 Saliga är ni, när män skall smäda dig, och förföljer er och säger allt ont mot dig falskt, för min skull.
- 12 Gläd, och vara mycket glad för stor är din belöning i himlen: Så förföljde man profeterna som var före dig.

马太福音5:3-12 - (英王钦定本)
- 3人有福了穷人的精神:为他们的是天国。
- 4有福了愁烦,因为他们必得安慰。
- 5温柔的人有福了,因为他们必承受地土。
- 6有福的,他们做哪些饥渴慕义的人,因为他们必得饱足。
- 7怜恤人,因为他们必蒙怜恤。
- 8人是有福的纯在心脏,因为他们必得见神。
- 9有福的和平缔造者,因为他们必称为神的儿子。
- 10人有福了,他们这是迫害公义的缘故:为他们的是天国。
- 11人有福了,你们的时候,男人会辱骂你们,逼迫你们,必说的灾祸攻击你们各样虚假,为我的缘故。
- 12飘柔,并欢喜:为伟大的是你在天上的赏赐:也是这样逼迫他们这是你们以前的先知。

マシュー5:3-12 - (口語)
- 3祝福精神に乏しい:彼らのために天の国です。
- 祝福4は、それらがその悲しむいる:彼らは慰められるであろう。
- 5柔和される祝福:彼らは地球を受け継ぐために。
- 6祝福義後に飢えと渇きをし、彼らは以下のとおりです。彼らが指名されています。
- 7あわれみ深い人たちは、さいわい:彼らは慈悲を受けなければならない。
- 8祝福純粋な心である:彼らは神を見るであろうために。
- 9平和をつくり出す人が祝福:彼らは神の子と呼ばれるであろう。
- 祝福10は義」ために迫害された彼らは、次のとおりです。彼らは天国であるため。
- 男性はあなたを悪口、あなたを迫害し、偽ってあなたに対して悪のすべての方法を言わなければならない、わたしのためにしなければならないときは幸い11は、あなたがたである。
- 12喜ぶと嬉しい超えること:世界のために天にあなたの報酬は次のようになりますので、あなた前の預言者たちを迫害しています。

Matthew 5:3-12 - (BTT)
- 3 Phúc thay ai có tâm hồn nghèo khó, vì họ là nước thiên đàng.
- 4 Phước cho những kẻ than khóc rằng: vì họ sẽ được an ủi.
- 5 Phúc cho những kẻ nhu mì, vì sẽ hưởng được đất.
- 6 Phước cho họ mà làm đói khát sự công bình, vì họ sẽ được no đủ.
- 7 Phúc thay ai xót thương người, vì họ sẽ được thương xót.
- 8 Phúc thay ai có tâm hồn trong sạch, vì họ sẽ thấy Thiên Chúa.
- 9 Phúc thay ai xây dựng hòa bình, vì họ sẽ được gọi là con cái Thiên Chúa.
- 10 Phúc cho những mà bị bách hại vì sống công chính, vì lợi ích, vì họ là nước thiên đàng.
- 11 Phúc thay anh em, khi người đàn ông sẽ chửi rủa bạn, và bắt bớ các ngươi, và phải nói rằng tất cả các cách thức của ác chống lại bạn sai, vì lợi ích của tôi.
- 12 Hãy vui mừng, và được quá vui mừng, vì tuyệt vời là phần thưởng của bạn ở trên trời cho rất bắt bớ họ các tiên tri mà là trước khi bạn.

Matthew 5:3-12 - (KJV)
- 3 Blessed ruhu içinde yoksul: onların için cennet krallığı olduğunu.
- Ne mutlu o 4 yas: onlar teselli olacaktır için.
- 5 ezik olan mübarek: Onlar yeryüzünü miras alacaklar.
- 6 Ne mutlu doğruluk sonra açlık ve susuzluk mutlaka bunlar: onlar doldurulacaktır için.
- 7 merhametli olan mübarek: onlar merhamet alacaktır için.
- 8 mutlu saf kalbinde vardır: Tanrı'yı ​​göreceğiz.
- 9 barışı kutsanmıştır: Tanrı'nın çocukları denecektir.
- Blessed 10 doğruluk 'uğruna zulüm bunlar: onların cennet krallığı olduğunu.
- Men seni yermek, canınızı, ve yalan yere size karşı kötü her şekilde diyelim, benim uğruna eder zaman mutlu 11, sizsiniz.
- 12 sevinin ve mutluluk aşan olması: büyük için cennette mükâfat vardır: bu yüzden size önce yaşayan peygamberlere de böyle zulmettiler.

ماثيو 5:3-12 - (طبعة الملك جيمس)
- 3 طوبى للمساكين بالروح: للهم ملكوت السموات.
- 4 طوبى للحزانى لانهم يتعزون.
- 5 طوبى للودعاء، لأنهم يرثون الأرض.
- 6 طوبى التي لا الجوع والعطش بعد البر، لأنهم يشبعون.
- 7 طوبى للرحماء لانهم يرحمون.
- 8 طوبى للأنقياء القلب، لأنهم يعاينون الله.
- 9 طوبى لصانعي السلام، لأنهم يدعون أبناء الله.
- 10 طوبى الذي يتعرضون للاضطهاد من أجل البر 'ساكي: للهم ملكوت السموات.
- 11 طوبى لكم، عندما يكون الرجال يلعنون لك، ويضطهدونكم، ويجب أن أقول كل أنواع الشر ضدك زورا، من أجلي.
- 12 افرحوا، وأن تزيد سعيد: لعظيم هو أجركم في السماء: فإنهم هكذا طردوا الأنبياء الذين قبلكم.

Mathayo 5:3-12 - (KJV)
- 3 Heri walio maskini wa roho; wao wana ufalme wa mbinguni.
- 4 Heri walio na huzuni, maana watafarijiwa.
- 5 Heri walio wapole, maana watairithi nchi.
- 6 Heri wenye njaa na kiu ya haki kwa watashibishwa.
- 7 Heri walio na huruma kwa watahurumiwa.
- 8 Heri wenye moyo safi: maana wao wataona Mungu.
- 9 Heri wenye kuleta amani, maana wataitwa watoto wa Mungu.
- 10 Heri wanaoteswa kwa ajili ya 'ajili ya haki kwa kuwa ndio ufalme wa mbinguni.
- 11 Heri ninyi, wakati watu watakapowatukana na kuwatesa na kuwasingizia kila aina ya uovu dhidi ya kwa uongo, kwa ajili yangu.
- 12 Furahini na kushangilia maana tuzo lenu ni kubwa mbinguni kwa maana ndivyo walivyowaudhi manabii waliokuwa kabla yenu.

Matthew 5:3-12 - (KJV)
- 3 Salig is die wat arm van gees is, want aan hulle behoort die koninkryk van die hemel.
- 4 Salig is die wat treur, want hulle sal vertroos word.
- 5 Salig is die sagmoediges, want hulle sal die aarde besit.
- 6 Salig is die wat honger en dors na die geregtigheid, want hulle sal versadig word.
- 7 Salig is die barmhartiges, want aan hulle sal barmhartigheid bewys word.
- 8 Salig is die wat rein van hart is, want hulle sal God sien.
- 9 Salig is die vredemakers, want hulle sal kinders van God genoem word.
- 10 Salig is die wat vervolg word ter wille van die geregtigheid, want aan hulle behoort die koninkryk van die hemel.
- 11 Gelukkig is julle wanneer die mense julle beledig en vervolg en allerhande kwaad teen julle sê valslik, om My ontwil.
- 12 Verbly en verheug julle loon groot is in die hemele; want so het hulle die profete vervolg wat voor julle gewees het.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 08:19:47 pm by SeekLoad »

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    The Expert at 9 years of Awakened to reality Great your now at the 8 years of Awakened to reality 7 years of Awakened to reality
Re: Remember
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2016, 03:56:14 pm »
Though I made mistakes in life and I regret the mistake I made was stupid, that does not make me into a stupid man or a bad man. Nobody is perfect. At least I do not drink or smoke and I do not take drugs either. At least I do not **** around or beat people up and I do not want to destroy and hurt others for pleasure.
To them who judge me on my failure I say: You see "my failure as my undertaker", but that is were you are wrong. Failure is only an undertaker if one refuses to learn something from it or if you refuse to admit you failed. But I did learn something from my failure and I admit I failed. That is why my failure is only a delay, sadly it was also my loss of you to whom I did not count it would be. I thought you would see failure as something human of a man (me) who tried something original with great intentions, but sadly failed, because if I had known the risk of losing you I would not have sacrificed so much and would not have failed. On the other hand I would never have seen that those friends were fake either. But the price I payed for it was not worth it.
So take it as a lesson. If you want to be happy in life do not see failure as an undertaker, but see it as a straight of power and a lesson for the future.
As for my failures in life to all of those that judges me based on them I QUOTE 30 quotes from some great people in history:
1. “Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be” – John Wooden
2. “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”  - Jack Canfield
3. “Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.” - Coco Chanel
4. “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” - Robert F. Kennedy
5. “The phoenix must burn to emerge.” - Janet Fitch
6. “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” - Ken Robinson
7. “Giving up is the only sure way to fail.” - Gena Showalte
8. “If you don’t try at anything, you can’t fail… it takes back bone to lead the life you want” - Richard Yates
9. “Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” - Denis Waitley
10. “When you take risks you learn that there will be times when you succeed and there will be times when you fail, and both are equally important.” - Ellen DeGeneres
11. “It’s failure that gives you the proper perspective on success.” - Ellen DeGeneres
12. “There is no failure except in no longer trying.” - Chris Bradford
13. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” - Thomas A. Edison
14. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill
15. “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” - Paulo Coelho
16. “Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.” - Lance Armstrong
17. “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” - Winston Churchill
18. “I’d rather be partly great than entirely useless.” - Neal Shusterman
19. “We are all failures – at least the best of us are.” - J.M. Barrie
20. “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” - Henry Ford
21. “Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.” - C.S. Lewis
22. “Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.” - Robert T. Kiyosaki
23. “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” - Napoleon Hill
24. “You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.” - Johnny Cash
25. “It’s not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that counts.” - Zig Ziglar
26. “Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success. I’ve met people who don’t want to try for fear of failing.” - J.K. Rowling
27. “No human ever became interesting by not failing. The more you fail and recover and improve, the better you are as a person. Ever meet someone who’s always had everything work out for them with zero struggle? They usually have the depth of a puddle. Or they don’t exist.” - Chris Hardwick
28. “When we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel.” - Eloise Ristad
29. “With a hint of good judgment, to fear nothing, not failure or suffering or even death, indicates that you value life the most. You live to the extreme; you push limits; you spend your time building legacies. Those do not die.” - Criss Jami
30. “What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?” – John Green
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    The Expert at 9 years of Awakened to reality Great your now at the 8 years of Awakened to reality 7 years of Awakened to reality
Re: Remember
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2016, 04:09:20 pm »
Failure can be a chain reaction were if you fail once you continue to fail till that chain is broken. And for them who do not understand the chain reaction will think you are stupid or that you are bad, not seeing it is not your fault anymore cause now the chain of failure need to break.
Also your failure is not always your own fault, it could be lid by others who refuse to admit to there contribution.
By: SeekLoad LRN

Offline SeekLoad

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Re: Remember
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2016, 04:10:14 pm »
- It made me learn it is not failure unless you refuse to learn something from that failure. And failure is a real failure if you never try something great because of fear of failing even if you do fail. Yet it does not mean to try something stupid either.
- I also learned to trust people leas easy.
That is the two things I learned of this.
By: SeekLoad LRN

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Re: Remember
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2016, 04:38:51 pm »
100% honestly. It breaks my heart to see that good intentions cause of failure makes one seem as a bad man calling as I bin called cause of failure, wile real bad man who are for real bad men who drink, smoke, take drugs beat up woman and people every day or greedy **** get away with it by having good men with bad results being called as bad and compared to those **** who really are bad.
Thus sometimes wanting me to become bad for real, sadly I can not cause my heart and morals with human values would not let me become a bad man like that even though it hurts a loot to try to do good with good intention and be called a bad man for failing.

Offline SeekLoad

  • DavidFrupsAJ
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    The Expert at 9 years of Awakened to reality Great your now at the 8 years of Awakened to reality 7 years of Awakened to reality
Re: Remember
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2016, 06:44:53 pm »
Poverty is a obstacle but not a disability. All obstacles can be solved but disabilities can not. A disability would be if a person is bad, but money are always obstacles, not disabilities.
To fail to have money does not make one stupid or mentally disabled in any way or form.
But to fail to understand why one has no money makes one stupid and it is an obstacle and it could become a disability if one gives up because of that obstacle of understanding.
By: SeekLoad LRN


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