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Author Topic: The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania  (Read 1319 times)

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The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania
« on: May 06, 2013, 12:09:22 am »
This group is for ROMANIA for all people who are NOT afraid to think freely and wake up to really see what world they live in no matter how black it is, they always try to make the world they live in better.

If you like this group, ADD your friends !


OBS! The 3 BASE rules should be the SAME EVERYWHERE.

- We keep a good language with respect among each other.
- We accept members from ALL over the world and we should spread all over the world regardless of the groups country name the goal is ALWAYS to have waken up as many as possible regardless of religion, color, race or geographic position.
- We do NOT hate, condemn or love anybody above the other one based on religion, color, race or geographic position. We hate, condemn or love based on actions, facts and proven guilt.

PS: We work with Anonymous but...
We are sort of part of Anonymous but we are NOT Anonymous and are part of the Anonymous at the same time, but there is some significant differences:
- We ALWAYS try to be peaceful, but sometimes if we are FORCED to it we can consider to take to arms or violence if necessary but ONLY if it is ABSOLUTELY necessary and we are NOT as Anonymous almost only online. If it is needed we could be in real life to in some cases.
- We do want more action then talk and consider that Anonymous is to slow, to inaccurate or talks to much and that we should put some fire on there buts to start acting more and talk less.
- We do NOT have one idol as Anonymous has the "V from Vendetta" with the "Guy Fawkes mask". We have all different idols and ideas for each country and each problem but united in one wish and that is to make this world a better place by showing of the stinking **** in it and afterwords dealing with it accordingly to the situation.

This explanation is on English and Romanian.
Aceasta explicație există pe Engleză și Romānă.

What is the group
We do NOT need corrupt politicians, we need patriot leaders that loves there people and leads for a better future and NOT for there pockets and their greedy ego.

This group is for all ROMANIAN people who are NOT afraid to think freely and wake up to really see what world they live in no matter how black it is, they always try to make the world they live in better.

For the Romania people who wants to take charge and make Romania a better place.

For those that ATTACK those who want to restore the rights, freedom, culture, history, respect, fame, religion, identity, and nature and lay the Romanian people back into its feet as they were back in the kingdom days, but this time without a king.

Because the true Romanian kings are all dead.
The so called Romanian king is a German man who his grandparent enslaved the Romanian people like the leaders of today also do. A German man who our HERO Nichifor Lipan was trying to destroy for the freedom of all Romanians. Nichifor Lipan payed with his life for his hero acts.

We think that Romania needs a strong leader ship with culture, respect and patriotism but not racist LEADER. We need a leader as Vlad Dracu (Vlad Țepeș, Vlad Dracula, Vlad the Impalor) or as a Stefan Cel Mare (Stefan the Great) or as a Cuza have bin to give the rights, freedom, culture, history, identity, fame and respect restored to all Romanians. And not a German king as before the communist and not a gypsy mafia as we have today in the government of Romania.

We do NOT accept to talk "****" to each other wen we fight for the same cause. Our enemy is the ones who go against the people, the ones who want to destroy the Romanian culture, history, respect, language, fame and nature.

"The Children are the future" and we should fight for a better future for our children and for us if we can. And if we can not have a better future for us, then let us sacrifice ourselves for them (our children) and get rid of the ****s in the Romanian government who destroyed our country once and for all.

If you like this group, then join it...
Please do SPREAD this group to everybody...
We need to grow very big to be able to succeed !

The Curse we give
Amen, Amen, Amen.
God bless Romania, and God save its people.
Amen, Amen, Amen.

In the name of the Father, Son and the Holly Ghosts.

I by this curse thee that may God give the enemies and traitors of Romania the same back to them and there children and grand children.

I curse them by prayer to God to give us what our heart wants to give, and may God give them what they have given to the Romanian people.

May the prayer curse be heard by God and may God let the rightful win give us straight to make the evil lose.

Amen, Amen, Amen.

May God bless and save Romania, its people and its culture.


Shortly what do we want
We do not care that your an Atheist or that your in another religion although we are for the Orthodoxy of Romania, because as long as you do not hate that Romania is a Christian country, we have nothing against you and it does NOT matter that you are Atheists or in another religion.

The respect of the rights, freedom, culture, traditions, language, religion and respect for the Romanian people is what we ask and we ask for the punishment of the ****s that have driven our country to the pit and has morally destroyed it, we ask of it to make Romania more rich for the people. Do you want a Romania for its people and not for the ****s that have destroyed it? Come here in this group.

JOIN and SPREAD the news...


Ce este grupul
Nu avem nevoie de politicieni corupți, avem nevoie de lideri patriot care iubește poporul și conduce pentru un viitor mai bun și nu pentru buzunarul lor și ego-ul lor lacom.

Acest grup este pentru toți oamenii Romāni care nu se tem să gāndească liber și să te trezecă pentru a vedea cu adevărat ceea ce este lumea īn care trăiimi, indiferent de cīt de negru este ea, ei īncearcă mereu să facă lumea īn care trăiim mai bine.

Pentru oamenii din Romania care vrea să se ocupe și de a face din Romānia un loc mai bun.

Pentru cei care ataca pe cei care doresc să restaureze drepturile, libertatea, cultura, istorie, respect, faima, religie, identitate, și natura și de a pune poporul romān īnapoi īn picioare, ca s-au īntors īn zilele regatului, dar de data aceasta fără a un rege.

Deoarece regii adevărați romāni sunt toți morți.
Așa numita Romān regele este un om German care din bunic a īnrobit poporul Romān, cum de asemenea șii liderii de astazi face. El  este un bărbat German care eroul nostru Nichifor Lipan a īncercat să distrugă pentru libertatea tuturor Romānilor. Nichifor Lipan a platit cu viata lui pentru faptele sale eroice.

Noi credem că Romānia are nevoie de o puternică coducere cu cultură, respect și patrioțim dar nu LEADER rasist. ne trebuie lideri ca Vlad Dracu (Vlad Țepeș, Vlad Dracula, Vlad Impalor) sau Stefan cel Mare o (Stefan cel Mare), sau un Cuza ca să facem drepturile, libertatea, cultura, istoria, identitatea, faima si respectul restaurat tuturor Romānilor. Și nu un rege German ca īnaintea comunistului și nu o mafie țigănească așa cum avem astăzi īn guvern din Romāniei.

Noi nu acceptăm să vorbim "urīt" unul cu altul că ne luptăm pentru aceeași cauză. Dușmanul nostru este de cei care merg īmpotriva poporului, cei care ne vreu să ne distrugă cultura Romānă, istorie, respectul, liba, faima si natura.

"Copiii sunt viitorul" și trebuie să luptăm pentru un viitorl mai bun pentru copiii noștri și pentru noi. Și dacă noi nu putem să avea un viitor mai bun, atunci să ne sacrificăm pentru ei (copiii noștri) și să scăpăm de escroci din  din guvernul Romaniei care au distrus țara o dată și pentru totdeauna.

Daca iti place acest grup, apoi se alăturațivă...
Vă rugam să RĂSPĪNDIȚI acest grup la toții...
Avem nevoie să creaștem foarte marii pentru a reuși !

Blestemul care īl dăm
Amin, Amin, Amin.
Dumnezeu să binecuvānteze Romānia, și Dumnezeu salveze oamenii săi.
Amin, Amin, Amin.

Īn numele Tatălui, al Fiului și al Duhului Sfīnt.

Dau acest blestem ca Dumnezeu să dea dușmanilor și trădătorilor din Romānia īnapoi aceeasi ce ei ou dat nouă să le dea Dumnezeu  lor și la copiii lor și copiii copii lor.

Īi blestem prin rugăciune către Dumnezeu să ne dea ceea nouă ce īn inima noastră dorește să dăm, și Dumnezeu să le da ceea ce ei ne-au poporului Romān.

Să dea Dumnezeu ca blestemul de rugăciunea să fie auzit către Dumnezeu, și Dumnezeu să ne dea dreptate și putere ca să facem răul să pierde.

Amin, Amin, Amin.

Dumnezeu să binecuvānteze și salva Romānia, oamenii și a culturii sale.


Shortly what do we want - Ce vrem pe scurt
Nu ne pasă că ești Ateist sou că ai o lată religie cu tuată că sīntem pentru Ortodoxia Romānească, fincă atīta timp care tu nu ne urăști că Romānia este o Creștină țară, noi nu avem nimic cu tine și NU contează dacă ești Ateist sou ai o altă religie.

Respectarea dreptăți, libertăți, culturei, tradiției, limbei, religiei și poporului Romānesc cerem și pedeapsa escrocilor care a dus și duc țara la rīpă și distrugere morală, este tot ce cerem ca să facem Romānia mai bogată pentru poporul său. Vrei o Romānie pentru poporul Romān și nu pentru escroci care ea distrus țara? Vino aici la grumul acesta.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 12:10:19 am by SeekLoad »

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Re: The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2013, 12:10:36 am »
Judeţul Cernăuţi (The county Cernăuţi) was once a Romanian soil but now it is in Moldova who was all Romanian soil and the politicians of today have forggoten that Moldova and Romania is the SAME nation and the Romanian government has forsaken Moldova (Bucovina). Bucovina there are still people left that has not forgotten that you are our brothers and sisters of blood and culture.

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Re: The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2013, 01:25:09 am »
The Romanian government has done NOTHING.
Romania still has the problem with gypsies that live in the lower class and is going to other countries to rob just so that they can live on something.

There were 3 million people in 2012 from Romania in Spain. Many of them have a decent job.There are many Gypsies that rob but that is not everybody from Romania who do that and not everybody are Gipsies and not all Gypsies rob.
Also rich Gipsies discriminate low class Gypsies in Romania. In Romania there are Gypsies in the government to,so it is NOT true that only Romanians discriminate Gypsies. Gypsies discriminate there own race when they come to power.

The people in power of Romania are both Romanian and Gypsies and Hungarians other nationalities. And they are living a separate life from the people using the gypsy problem as a distraction for the Romanian people to not look at the   s h i t   the government is doing. They used Gypsies to stamp real Romanian as thieves by making a situation for the Gypsies to rob in the name of Romanians so that Romanian can not have reliability outside Romania.

PS: I'm pure Romanian (not gypsy) I know.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 01:27:03 am by SeekLoad »

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Re: The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2013, 03:18:49 am »
Romāni falși care atacă Romāni adevărați.

OBS: Asta NUI rasism dar noi nu mai trebuie să tolerăm falsificarea istorie Romāne.

Trebuie să avem "0" toleranță la cei care atacă historia Romāniei și numește cu ou și oțet pe cei care spune adevărul de spre ea.

Acesta Romāb fals "Marius Iacob" in data de 14-07-2013 a sris unrătorul de pe poză cum vedeți și puteți să citiți
PICTURE is in the link here:

Sau acelasi poză pe PhotoBucket in caz că acea pe FaceBook nu funționează:

Noi Romāni și cei care nu sīnt Romāni dar care ține la Romānia trebuie să atace prin ea publica cum fac eu aici și să nu accepte idioți ca aceșta. Noi trebuie să avem "0" toleranță cu acei care ignoră și șterge istoria Romāniei dacă cu adevărat vrem să ducem Romānia pe o cale mai bună. Nu mai trebuie să acceptăm cocalari și cultura de cocalari făcută din minciuni și insulte īnvățată de la guvernul lași și trădător de țară din Romānia.

Din cauza acea noi NU trebuie să aceptăm pupători de fund și minciunoși de istoria Romāniei care atacă pe Romāni adevărați cum Marius Iacob o face aici.

Haide să ne UNIM ca săi dăm afară pe toți care a ditrus ce este Romān și ajută să distrugă Romānia prin a ignora și a falsifica Istoria Romāniai cum domnul acela o face. Ca el sīnt mii și toți aceștea mii trebuie să cadă de rușine. Haide cei care iubește Romānia să se unească și la atac săi dăm de gol pe toți escroci falși Romāni pupātori de fund a mafiei din guvernul Romāniei.

OBS: Lincul care el ma īnjurat de īntreabă pe Romāni cīt sīnt deacord ca Romānia se schimbe numele la Dacia. Lincul este acesta:

Grupul unde acesta individ "Marius Iacob" ma insulat și atacat este numit:
"The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania/by:SeekLoad"

Pagina de FaceBook al lui "Marius Iacob" este următuarea:

Așa trebuie săi dăm de gol pe toți escroci dacă vrem o țară curată de minciunoși și estroci casă nu mai distrugă istoria, cultura și poporul Romān.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 11:08:54 pm by SeekLoad »

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Re: The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2013, 10:56:31 pm »
,,Și ca să fie siguri că nu vin la Washington de pomană, secuii și-au adus și steagul așa-zisului ținut secuiesc, pe care l-au arborat pentru scurtă vreme pe mallul național, īn fața Capitoliului. Organizatorii americani au prins incidentul la timp și au cerut īnlăturarea acestuia. ''

Dovadă că politiceni noștri nu țin la țară. Domnul aldracu Ponta este un escroc de prima mīnă. Am avut plicuri date la el și ce face el? Nui pasă, ci le dă īn mīna celor care mam plīns contra, in loc săși ea răspundera ca ministru și să răspundă.

Domnul Ponta NU ține la țară ci ține la bandiți. Nu te aștepta ca el să reacționeze fără presare de la poporul Romān. Noi Romāni trebuie să ne ridicăm că guvernul Romān este făcut de aldracu mafoți fără respect de Romānia și poporul Romān.

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Re: The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2013, 08:43:04 pm »
WAKE UP this is a CRIME!!!
They what to turn this into a chemical hazards dangerous dead land.
This is the BEAUTIFUL nature of "Rosia Montana" in Romania that the Romanian government wants to destroy through a Canadian company just for mining for gold and the farmers who for hundreds of years have had that soil and taken care of its nature are now pushed aside to give place to a Canadian firm for gold. They just want gold and don NOT give a **** of nature and peoples right and health. They take the soil for its gold and use chemicals that are dangerous for nature, animals and humans just to get to their gold.

And this is not only a beautiful nature for Romania but ALSO a historical value were from all Romanian gold in history has bin extracted without destroying the nature. And now cause gold is less they have decided to destroy the nature just to get to the gold.

Even WORSE all the houses churches and buildings in the gold area will be DEMOLISHED the people that live there will have their houses destroyed with no solution of getting a new home wile the people on the outside of the gold area will be poised by the chemicals used.

NOT that this is NOT bad enough, but it gets WORSE. The gold mined there by the Canadian company will belong to Canada NOT to Romania though it is from the Romanian soil.

JOIN the fight to SAVE "Rosia Montana" in Romania.

This is the begging of the end of Rosia Montana and everybody in it if we don't stop it. Thousands of people will lose their homes and there health for what?
For "GOLD".

Gold that will NOT belong to them or their children or to their country Romania, but will belong to Canada and USA and the international banks.

They are robbing Romania and the Romanian history killing the people and animals and destroying nature and all in the name of GOLD.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 11:37:13 pm by SeekLoad »

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Re: The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2013, 01:20:06 am »
IMPORTANT message with proof for Romanians on Romanian and English.
IMPORTANT mesaj cu dovadă pentru Romanii pe Romană și Engleză.


ROMĀNA (Romanian):
Am fost pentru PPDD pină azi data de 30/08/2013 cind un membru care lucrază la EU la Bruxel sa dat de gol in felul de sa comporta.
PPDD NU este pentru Romania sa dat de gol că este EGAL cu PSD și duar se perface că este contra lui dorintele lui PSD ca să vină la putere.

Dacă PPDD nu este ca PSD si alti trebuie PPDD să se alăture protestatarilor īn practică NU numai cu vorbe, și să NU īi raporteze la FaceBook cum a făcuto REPREZENTANTUL lor de la EU cu mine azi īn data de 30/08/2013 īn jur de ora 0:00 (+1h GMT).

DOVADĂ: Un membru din EU de la Bruxel de la PPDD a fost o FOARTE bună prietenă pe FaceBook și ma RAPORTAT la FaceBook cind ea a aflat că eu cu famila mea am făcut protestul acesta īn "Julie 2012 la EU la Tribunalul Drepturilor Omului din Strasbourg" contra guvernului de azi din Romania:

PS: Asta DOVEDEȘTE că SINGURA rezolvare pentru Romania este ROVOLUTIE fără milă de NIMENI in guvern. NU contează ce partid este. TOTI absolut TOATE partidele de asi sint escroci care vrea să sugă de la poporul Roman tuată viața.

REVOLUTIE pentru Romānia este SINGURA solutie.
NICIO MILĂ pentru niciun pardit in politica Romānă.

PPDD = Partidul Poporului - Dan Diaconescu / Ei zic că sīnt cu poporul dar acum sa dovedit că este o minciună că defact reactionează ca și PSD.
PSD = Partidul Social Democrat / Ei sint acum la putere īn Romānia.


ENGLISH (Engleză):
I was for PPDD until today 30/08/2013 when a PPDD worker at EU in Brussels give away in the truth in her actions.
PPDD is not for Romania and today they give away that is equal to PSD and that they only pretend to be against PSD just to come to power.

Dacă PPDD nu este ca PSD si alti trebuie să se alăture protestatarilor īn practică NU numai cu vorbe, și să NU īi dea deoparte cum a făcuto REPREZENTANTUL lor de la EU cu mine azi īn data de 30-08-2013.

If PPDD is not like PSD and others should then they PPDD should join the Romanian protesters in practice not just with words, and NOT report them on FaceBook as their representative from EU did with me today on 30/08/2013 and about 0:00 (+1h GMT) o'clock.

PROOF: A member of the EU in Brussels from PPDD was a VERY good friend on Facebook and she REPORTED me to Facebook when I told her that my family did this protest in "July 2012 at the EU European Court of Human Right in Strasbourg" against the government of Romania:

PS: This PROVES that the ONLY solution for Romania is a REVOLUTION without any mercy for NOBODY in the government. NO-MATTER what party it is. ABSOLUTELY ALL TOTE parties are scammers who want to suck the life Romanian people.

REVOLUTION for Romania is the ONLY solution.
NO mercy for NO party in the Romanian politics.

PPDD = Partidul Poporului - Dan Diaconescu (The Peoples Party - Dan Diaconescu) / They say they are for the Romanian people but now proved to be fake as fake as the PSD is.
PSD = Partidul Social Democrat (The Social Democrats) / These are in power now in Romania.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 02:01:44 am by SeekLoad »

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Re: The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2013, 05:34:55 pm »
The TRUTH of WHY the media and the governments keeps the Rosia Montana problem in blackout from the news and NOBODY in the governments is talking of it.

As we know Rosia Montana in Romania is poisoned with cyanide to extract gold by a Canadian company. This cyanide kills nature, animals and makes humans sick even kills humans if they don't treat it.
Also this makes thousands of people living in Rosia Montana homeless. To not say that the cyanide will be transported half way though Romania endangering half of Romania as well wile the gold extracted from Rosia Montana is not even given to the people of Romania but is given to Canada and put in American banks in USA.

This is why Canada won't stop with Rosia Montana.
Romania will give very much gold to Canada. But Canada will put it in NOT in Canadian banks but in American banks. The American banks use its value so from the stock market to pay the price for the new RFID chips, increase the military and protect the NSA who now is at the target for spying on people.

That is why there is NO interest by any government in stopping the mining. Cause this mine will become the Europes BIGGEST gold mine and one of the biggest in the world though not the biggest.

Cause of that in stock value this for the gold explorers the value of it goes though the roof. And the explorers are Canada and USA. By fixing USA problems with the payment of the RFID chip EU gets easier to make better quality biometric passports and ID cards. EU has planned to make biometric ID cards in the future. The budget did just not allow it. But if USA starts more mass producing the RFID chip then EU will have a cheaper way of making the future biometric ID not just Passports as today.
The MOTIVE Canada is the ones taking the gold is so that people will not be able to understand how this financially helps the governments in the world to spy more on people.

But if one uses his mind to find that out is pretty easy. Just ask yourself in WHAT banks will that gold be put in. It is NOT in the Canadian banks though Canada is taking the gold. By having it in the American bans the stock market value is given to USA and Canada ONLY gets the gold value as a material.

EXAMPLE: If you have money in a bank the bank will use your money and the stock value of that bank will get bigger the more money it has in. You still have your money and you still get the interest in value from it but the majority of interest are given to the bank wile you get the minority.

The SAME is for Canada putting the gold in American banks.

This is why no government and no media talks of it and it is kept in blackout in the media and by the governments and politicians.
because this will fond the system to have more control over people world wide if the mining is allowed. And for the governments this is of interest to have more power and more control.

The actions against this mining in Rosia Montana may not get stopped just cause of a petition but at least if it will not get stopped then it will **** off more people until ether they stop or it will be a revolution in Romania sooner or later.

Because one day the jar will burst over.

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Re: The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2014, 07:19:09 pm »
PROOF RFID is becoming Mandatory.
One more REALITY step towards the NWO (New World Order) 666 system.
The RFID chip in the health insurance card becomes mandatory for all Romanians in 2015 and latter it may become mandatory also for the rest of EU. Who refuses to have the RFID with them will NOT have the right to any health insurgence or medical treatment.

NOTE: Use google translate to read the page on English.

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Re: The Awakened Romania-Cei Treziti Romania
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2014, 11:55:20 pm »
QUOTE the real Vlad Dracu (The Impaler) of Transilvania:
"If you think freedom is cheep now, wait until the price of freedom becomes freedom itself."
My question to YOU:
I ask of you is that what you want freedom to be before you realize that we need to fight the oppressors on all levels? If that is what it needs then sadly you will do the same mistake that I try to make people to not do and that is to not wait to long cause the longer they wait the harder it will get and the more bloody the fight will be for freedom and justice to the innocent.


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